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Our New Church & Parish Facilities

What can we expect from our new church?

Our new church and parish facilities will be located 2 miles east from our current St. Rita's at the corner of East Bardsley Ave and Morrison St. on

a 7.99 acre site. 

  • 2,300 square feet

  • 1,500-1,600 seating capacity

  • Increased parking space

  • Increased classrooms for religious education


Why do we need a new church?

St. Rita's is a growing and diverse parish community. We must  build to accommodate the increasing number of parishioners, ministry groups, and you attending religious classes. We have outgrown our 1993-98 expansion and our parish facilities, so a larger church will accommodate additional people comfortably and safely and it would possibly reduce the number of Masses celebrate every weekend. 

What will happen to the church that we have now? Will we incorporate items from our current church and facilities to our new property?

Our current church and facilities will be maintained and will possibly be used in the future as a chapel and to celebrate special occasions such as weddings and quinceañeras. 

Yes, items important to the preservation of St. Rita's heritage, such as sacred items, stained glass windows, religious artwork and statues will be incorporated. 

What is the total cost of this project?

For the new church alone, without the hall or facilities, the cost for Phases 1, 2, & 3 is $7.2 million. 

What is our next step? How much more money do we need to raise in order for construction to start on the new church? 

Our next step is to raise enough money to begin Phase 1 of construction. For Phase 1 to begin, we need to raise $4.8 million. 

How can I be a part of this historic project?

Praying: Pray for the success of the campaign. It's important for everyone to share their enthusiasm for the benefits of our new church and parish facilities project. 

Participating: Participate as a volunteer with hospitality, publicity, making phone calls, assisting with campaign mailings or distributing materials before and after Mass. All volunteers will receive training and instructions.

Pledging: Make a financial commitment to the campaign. Pledges are vital to the success of building our new church and parish facilities. 

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